How to Ditch 100% of Meetings and Double Productivity – and Clients Love It!

September 19, 2024

When I launched Jackie Brown Works in March 2023, we worked solely on a project-based model. Meetings were the norm—we’d kick off projects with an initial meeting, then follow up weekly.

At first, this seemed like the right approach, but over time, it became clear that meetings were a drain on productivity. They’d often get postponed or cancelled last minute, clients would arrive late, and what was meant to be a 15-minute touchpoint often turned into an hour-long call. I started dreading meetings and realized this wasn't sustainable.

A few months in, I stumbled across the concept of async comms. It promised an alternative way of working, one that drastically cut down on meetings and allowed for more efficient communication. I decided to give it a try.

I reached out to two clients who I knew would be open to experimenting with this new model. We abolished all meetings and adopted a strictly async communication process, which has since become the backbone of how we work.

Here’s how it works:

1. Figma for Design Updates

Figma is our primary platform for all design-related communication. When we have an update ready, we write notes directly on the designs, explaining updates, design decisions, and any questions we have for the client.

Each note and question is numbered for easy reference. When the client reviews the designs, they comment on each note and respond directly within Figma. Since comments are unique elements in Figma, we use the comment thread for any back-and-forth communication. In most cases, it rarely takes more than three comments in a single thread to resolve any issue.

2. Trello for Task Tracking

Trello helps us keep track of design tasks and their progress. Once a new design update is ready, we notify the client through Trello. The notification includes a summary of what to expect in the Figma file, along with a direct link to the designs. This makes it easy for the client to access the latest updates without the need for extra emails or reminders.

3. Slack for Quick Questions

Both Figma and Trello are integrated into Slack, so all comments and updates are centralized in one place. Although, the primary use of Slack is for quick, informal questions. If we need clarification or have a doubt, we reach out via the client's dedicated Slack channel to keep the conversation brief and focused - and vice versa. This keeps everything efficient without the need for scheduled meetings.


This communication model has been especially advantageous for our startup clients. When working with pre-seed or early-stage startups, time is a precious resource. Our async process eliminates the back-and-forth of meeting scheduling, allowing our clients to focus on what matters most while still staying in the loop.

Clients often find this approach refreshing and are excited by the efficiency it brings. From the start, we’re upfront in our initial meetings with leads: we have a strict no-meeting policy after onboarding. The only other meeting is optional, just to make sure we understand their needs at the beginning.

For startups with limited time, this communication model works incredibly well, allowing us to maintain momentum without slowing down for unnecessary meetings.

Catalina (CJ) Almeida
Co-Founder & Product Designer
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